Sunday, 13 December 2020

MooGoo Natural Fresh Cream (Vegan!) Deodorant review

MooGoo Natural Fresh Cream Deodorant littlepackofvegans

Despite it's unlikely branding and packaging, I can assure you this MooGoo Fresh Cream Deodorant IS vegan and cruelty free! The brand name comes from Head of the Herd (Craig Jones) noticing that his mother was using a white paste intended for use on cows to help with her psoriasis. The cream was intended to keep cow's udders soft and supple, in good condition for milking, but the paste was thick and hard to apply. Craig reformulated the cream, creating a lighter and non-greasy version, and that's how the term MooGoo (as in, goo for cows) came around. The product became popular and that's how this skincare business was born...

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Breaking the cheese addiction

Vegan sun-dried tomato spaghetti littlepackofvegans

I'm now approaching three and a half years of veganism. It's flown by and I can't imagine life before now. So I wanted to resume my vegan mini series, and today I want to tackle cheese - the weakness for so many people! I remember before I was vegan we would have phases where it felt like everything tasted better with cheese on top, so today I'm going to explain why you might feel that way and to provide some alternatives.

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